Registration Information

For registration and more

NYSSEF Participation Forms:

Please review Teacher and Student Registration Requirements on NYSSEF Z-Fairs!!

  1. Application Form— All students must submit a hard copy with payment & payment form!
  2. Payment Form— Please make all checks payable to NYSSEF, Inc.
  3. BOCES Registration Form
  4. Cross Contract For BOCES Services
  5. Tips for a Successful NYSSEF ISEF Application
    1. Watch the YouTube Video's
    2. Review the Teacher and/or Student Instructions
  6. GENERAL Z-Fairs Tips for a Navigating the Application Process

NYSSEF ISEF ONLY Judge Registration link:

Judging Rubrics:

NYSSEF ISEF Teacher & Student Registration and ISEF Chaperone Link to Z-Fairs:

PLEASE READ: Teachers/Liaisons must REGISTER BEFORE STUDENTS can register for NYSSEF competitions!

NYSSEF Andromeda and Thermo-Fisher Student Registration links:



